Package-level declarations


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data class GnBGaitOutcomes(val meanSymIndex: Double, val meanStepLength: Double, val meanStepTime: Double, val stepLengthVariability: Double, val stepTimeVariability: Double, val stepLengthAsymmetry: Double, val stepTimeAsymmetry: Double, val meanStepVelocity: Double)
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data class GnBGaitSegments(val accelSegments: List<SincMatrix>, val rotSegments: List<SincMatrix>, val gyroSegments: List<SincMatrix>)
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data class GnBPersonNorms(val task: GnBTaskType, val outcome: GnBOutcomeType, val normativeLowerBound: Double, val normativeLowerBoundAsString: String, val normativeUpperBound: Double, val normativeUpperBoundAsString: String, val normativeRange: List<Double>, val normativeRangeAsString: String, val mdc: Double, val mdcAsString: String, val decimalPlaces: Int)

A data class representing normative bounds for a person for specific GnBOutcomeType and GnBTaskType. Both the Double and String properties are rounded to correct decimal places digits.

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data class GnBPersonOutcome(val task: GnBTaskType, val outcome: GnBOutcomeType, val value: Double, val valueString: String, val normativeRange: String, val valueIsOutsideNorms: Boolean)

A data class for a person's GnBOutcomeType from a GnBTaskType

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data class GnBPersonOutcomeComposer(val personAgeInYears: Double, val personMassInKGs: Double, val personHeightInCM: Double, val task: GnBTaskType, val outcome: GnBOutcomeType)
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data class GnBPreprocessedGaitSegment(val accelMLxAPxVert: SincMatrix, val gyroData: SincMatrix)
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data class GnBStaticOutcomes(val stabilityR: Double, val stabilityML: Double, val stabilityAP: Double)
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actual object NMCompliantECStability : NormativeModel
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actual object NMCompliantECStabilityAP : NormativeModel
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actual object NMCompliantECStabilityML : NormativeModel
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actual object NMCompliantEOStability : NormativeModel
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actual object NMCompliantEOStabilityAP : NormativeModel
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actual object NMCompliantEOStabilityML : NormativeModel
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actual object NMFirmECStability : NormativeModel
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actual object NMFirmECStabilityAP : NormativeModel
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actual object NMFirmECStabilityML : NormativeModel
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actual object NMFirmEOStability : NormativeModel
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actual object NMFirmEOStabilityAP : NormativeModel
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actual object NMFirmEOStabilityML : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHFGaitSymmetry : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHFStepLength : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHFStepLengthAsym : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHFStepLengthVar : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHFStepTime : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHFStepTimeAsym : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHFStepTimeVar : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHFStepVelocity : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHTGaitSymmetry : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHTStepLength : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHTStepLengthAsym : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHTStepLengthVar : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHTStepTime : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHTStepTimeAsym : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHTStepTimeVar : NormativeModel
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actual object NMWalkHTStepVelocity : NormativeModel
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interface NormativeModel
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data class TruncatedGnBStaticStream(val truncatedAccelData: SincMatrix, val truncatedRotData: SincMatrix)


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actual fun applyGnBFrameCorrection(accelData: SincMatrix, rotData: SincMatrix, fs: Double): SincMatrix
expect fun applyGnBFrameCorrection(accelData: SincMatrix, rotData: SincMatrix, fs: Double): SincMatrix
actual fun applyGnBFrameCorrection(accelData: SincMatrix, rotData: SincMatrix, fs: Double): SincMatrix
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fun estimateGnBGaitOutcomes(timeVector: SincMatrix, accelData: SincMatrix, rotData: SincMatrix, gyroData: SincMatrix, fs: Double, personHeight: Double): GnBGaitOutcomes
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fun estimateGnBStaticOutcomes(accelData: SincMatrix, rotData: SincMatrix, fs: Double): GnBStaticOutcomes
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fun gravityVector2RotMat(zVector: SincMatrix): SincMatrix

Return user to reference pre-multiplying rotation matrix

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fun preprocessGnBGaitSegment(accelData: SincMatrix, rotData: SincMatrix, gyroData: SincMatrix, fs: Double): GnBPreprocessedGaitSegment
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fun preprocessGnBStaticStream(accelData: SincMatrix, rotData: SincMatrix, fs: Double): SincMatrix
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fun segmentGnBGaitStream(timeVector: SincMatrix, accelData: SincMatrix, rotData: SincMatrix, gyroData: SincMatrix): GnBGaitSegments
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actual fun truncateGnBGaitSegment(accelMLxAPxVert: SincMatrix, gyroData: SincMatrix, fs: Double): GnBPreprocessedGaitSegment
expect fun truncateGnBGaitSegment(accelMLxAPxVert: SincMatrix, gyroData: SincMatrix, fs: Double): GnBPreprocessedGaitSegment
actual fun truncateGnBGaitSegment(accelMLxAPxVert: SincMatrix, gyroData: SincMatrix, fs: Double): GnBPreprocessedGaitSegment
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actual fun truncateGnBStaticStream(accelData: SincMatrix, rotData: SincMatrix, fs: Double): TruncatedGnBStaticStream
expect fun truncateGnBStaticStream(accelData: SincMatrix, rotData: SincMatrix, fs: Double): TruncatedGnBStaticStream
actual fun truncateGnBStaticStream(accelData: SincMatrix, rotData: SincMatrix, fs: Double): TruncatedGnBStaticStream