
data class EstimatedGaitOutcomes(val symIndex: Double, val stepLengths: SincMatrix, val leftStepLengths: SincMatrix, val rightStepLengths: SincMatrix, val stepTimes: SincMatrix, val leftStepTimes: SincMatrix, val rightStepTimes: SincMatrix)


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constructor(symIndex: Double, stepLengths: SincMatrix, leftStepLengths: SincMatrix, rightStepLengths: SincMatrix, stepTimes: SincMatrix, leftStepTimes: SincMatrix, rightStepTimes: SincMatrix)


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val leftStepLengths: SincMatrix
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val leftStepTimes: SincMatrix
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val rightStepLengths: SincMatrix
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val rightStepTimes: SincMatrix
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val stepLengths: SincMatrix
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val stepTimes: SincMatrix
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